Welcome to the URA! This form is for all individuals who are submitting a Farm-a-Lot Intake Form. Please complete the fields below. If you have any questions or comments not noted in the available fields, please note them in the message field. If you cannot complete a field, please note "N/A" in the field.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Complete Business Address
Type of Entity
Name of Entity
Household Member (Please select "Primary")
Are you interested in farming on URA property?
If yes, please list the lot and block number(s) and address below.
Is this property next to your home?
Is the parcel vacant land?
If you need to find a lot owned by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), visit the URA's property management system, ePropertyPlus to find one. If you already have a lot in mind, you can check the Allegheny County Real Estate Portal website to be sure it is owned by the URA, find dimensions of the lot, and other information.
When are you looking to start your garden or farm?
What are your intended uses for the property? Please select all that apply (hold control and click to select multiple).
Do you intend to sell what you grow?
Project Description: Please provide a brief description of your planned operation and related on-site activities.
Please add any additional notes or comments in this field.
For questions, contact farmalot@ura.org
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